"There is a lot doctors can do to the patient. Doesn't mean they have to" - Ara Chitchyan, MD

Platelet Rich Plasma
at American Rehabilitation Associates
Regenerative Medicine and all related applications are considered controversial and experimental. Any mentioning of cure, treatment of any disease process or other claims are purely speculative.
Introducing new technology for Georgia!
At American Rehabilitation Associates we use Cervos proprietary PRP preparation system. It allows for processing of up to 80 ml of blood and allows for endless concentration resulting in very small final volume of PRP - Dr. Chitchyan was able to concentrate 80 ml of patient's blood into final 2 ml of PRP. Most systems used by clinicians allow for final 4 ml of PRP and highest volume of blood used up to 60 ml of blood. Latest research shows possibility that it is the sheer number of platelets not only the quality of platelets that is important for effectiveness of PRP, making this system potentially more effective.
We are first in Georgia to use Cervos proprietary platelet isolation and concentration system. It allows using up to 80 ml of patient's blood and allows for final volume of PRP <4 ml. This allows us to create what we called "super concentrated PRP". Aside from being the first to use this novel technology this translates to potentially higher number of platelets that we can direct to the area of interest and less pain during procedure due to lower volume of injectate.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an orthobiologic — treatment that uses your body’s cells to stimulate healing. Ara Chitchyan, MD, and his team at American Rehabilitation Associates in Peachtree City, Georgia, specialize in using PRP and other biologics to treat neuromusculoskeletal disorders. You could benefit from their expertise in PRP therapy if you have an extremity injury or sustained damage to joint, muscle, tendon, or ligament. Call American Rehabilitation Associates today to learn more about PRP’s healing abilities or request an appointment using the online booking form.
What is PRP?
Platelet Rich Plasma is a product that is created from patient's blood. It contains plasma and platelets. Sometimes it also contains some White Blood Cells and sometimes also Red Blood Cells. Depending on PRP kit manufacturer protocols final volume and composition of PRP varis. One thing is common however - higher than normal blood concentration of platelets. Platelets have lots of growth factors and other proteins that are known to stimulate healing in our body. To read more about our philosophy in more entertaining format, please read our Ultimate Guide to Regenerative Medicine.
Why are platelets good?
Platelets perform various functions in our body. They are transport vehicle for growth factors, fibrin and other essential nutrients. In addition, when activated, they clump together in an organized fashion creating a net like structure that acts as a scaffolding. Many signaling proteins and receptors are attached to that structure. This structure basically creates a barrier but also a base camp so to speak that allows other cells to migrate into the area and attach to it. Only activated platelets will do this. That is the reason why normally platelets do not clump to each. Any tissue damage will activate platelets, injured cells, including blood cells will activate platelets. Shaking blood will activate them. Centrifuging does not. It is important actually, since we do not want platelets to activate before they are injected, otherwise they will lose their effectiveness.
Why aren't platelets doing the same thing in your body right now? Why do they need to be injected?
This is because your platelets are not active normally. Only injured tissue, physical barriers, light and certain chemicals will activate platelets. Also flowing blood prevents platelets from aggregating in one spot in sufficient amounts for the effect to be significant.
What should I do to prepare for PRP?
There is no specific protocol to follow to prepare for PRP treatment. For PRP to be effective, your platelets have to be effective. Although not required and not specified by any protocol, however Dr. Chitchyan advises not to take certain medications that are known to impair platelet function. These medications include but not limited to Aspirin, Plavix, NSAIDS. If you had blood work done in the past, please make sure to provide a copy to your provider. If your platelet count is low, it may adversely affect strength and effectiveness of PRP.
What should I expect during procedure?
Procedure will start with a clinical member of the team obtaining your blood. You can expect to have anywhere from 30 ml to 80 ml of blood to be drawn depending on the amount your doctor would like to use. Some kits allow creation of PRP from smaller blood volumes, however that also results in lower platelet count in the final PRP. So the more blood is drawn in theory the more potent eventual PRP will possibly be. Following that there is about 15-20 minute period of time when your blood is being centrifuged and PRP is created by your clinician, Feel free to ask if you can move around or even leave the office during that time. PRP obtained from you can only be used on you the same day. So please make sure to return and once PRP is ready, your clinician will proceed with injecting it to the area they would like to address.
What to expect after the procedure?
Clinicians think that PRP stimulates healing in your body; as such immediately you should not feel much different. Depending on amount and type of local anesthetic used you should not feel any pain for 2-6 hours. Some patients report worsening of the pain after this period of time. Some report change in character of pain - in some cases it becomes constant. This immediate response, if it happens, in our experience lasts anywhere from 48 hours up to a week. Dr. Chitchyan will advise you against taking NSAIDS, as they might be counterproductive to the work platelets may be doing. If your pain has gotten worse, Dr. Chitchyan will prescribe pain medication. In vast majority of cases improvements are noted within a week. This type of response is not described in esthetic applications of PRP.
How long does PRP work? Do I need to have another injection? If so when?
Dr. Chitchyan's philosophy is well described by his rule of three "R"s. If these "R"s are followed then possible improvements from PRP should be permanent. For you that means that only one procedure is usually needed. Dr. Chitchyan does not plan on repeating same procedure but if the need arises, he will assess that need and make the decision individually in each case. In aesthetic applications, Dr. Chitchyan is more liberal and would advocate for repeat procedure if so desired as he believes that repeated procedures potentiate the effect of PRP
What if my symptoms did not improve? (or desired cosmetic result not achieved)
Even though we are not able to provide any guidance as to what indications PRP treats (see disclaimer), however, if desired effect is not achieved, we postulate that there might be a reason for that. We think it could happen because of the following:
platelets were not fully functional or there were not enough platelets delivered to the site
procedure was performed based on incorrect diagnosis
timing of the procedure was not conducive to improve the healing
FDA was correct and this whole thing is a hoax
Please inquire about our protocol for each possibility
What are some of the applications of PRP?
At American Rehabilitation Associates we use proven and safe protocols to inject PRP into joints, tendons, ligaments as well as for esthetic applications for men. Please click below to sign up for these and other available services at ARA. Please call us if you have any questions or to inquire further.

This section is for men. Since the origin of humanity, men were the hunters, protectors, warriors. Even though throughout the history of our civilization women time after time were able to prove to be equal to men, it has remained one of the main focuses of men's brain till today - get bigger, stronger, live healthier and longer. Find out what we can do for you here

Other Regenerative Medicine procedures
Although Platelet Rich Plasma is gaining wider acceptance, paving the way for the rest of the field, due to its effectiveness, however there are cases when PRP might not be ideal or sufficient enough intervention to produce results. To learn more about commercially available products from various FDA approved and regulated manufacturers please call us today.